Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jacque Martel

Jacque Martel, local artist, illustrates a terrifying past. Martel,(Born 1960) paints a new mural for the town of Legal about the injustice of the Rwanda Genocide. With the grand unveiling of his masterpiece on July 23rd during fete au village.

Originally another artist was to paint the Rwanda mural but unfortunately he was preoccupied at the time. Once Ernest Chauvet, president of the local Francophone Association, found out he called Martel to see if he would take up the challenge. It took Martel two to three-hundred hours to complete his murals.This one was a way to honour our military families. A way to thank them discretely because its never easy being a military soldier. “Another reason I wanted to do it was because of my father” Martel’s father has worked for Canada’s Air force for 20 years. As for his aunt, she was a nun in Africa for forty years. Teaching music and math in Uganda. Being only that of an hours drive to Rwanda from where she was stationed, she recognized the area well. This gave the inspiration Martel needed to paint this mural, in dedication to his dad.

Martel showcases a soldier, Romeo Dallaire, carrying a little girl, who has been killed, by the war. He is bringing her back into her empty village. While at the the same time the Iraq oil wars are flourishing. The world was narrowly focused on Iraq that it took a blind eye towards Rwanda. From the distance comes a road, to represent the future, with two choices, “that it can go back to the way it was, the fighting or theres hope on the other side” To symbolize a growing prosperous future Martel has painted a boy having fun playing soccer, by two mothers. One is smiling but the other with a not-so-certain expression on her face. To complete the mural Martel finished it of with a ribbon that *touches every place the United Nations has served.

Martel is a self taught artist, born in Gimily, Manitoba. Martel has been an artist since the age of 16. “I wanted to make a living out of it” Now he works for Amyottes award and promotions as a graphics designer. When he isn’t working for Ammyottes he is a painter creating masterpieces with his oil paints. “ I do it everyday as a part time full time [job]” But possibly Martel is most famous for his title as mural artist. Martel has used his creative ability and super-sized it. He has completed a total of 12 murals, 7 of which are located in Legal and 2 tableaus in the St Jean Baptist park. His acquaint eye for detail and bright lively colours separates this artist from the rest.

Jacque Martel, Husband, father of 5 and local artist releases his new masterpiece to the town of Legal July 23rd.

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